Empowering Students, Enriching Lives.
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Worldwide Impact

Focus Areas



After 50 years of military dictatorship, Myanmar (formerly Burma) suffers from numerous internal conflicts. Their school system is extremely discriminatory and requires students to take fee-paying classes, making them inaccessible to the poorest young people.



In Pakistan a low percentage of the national budget goes to education, resulting in a lack of necessary facilities, materials, and teacher training programs - especially in rural areas. Many children in these areas are unable to attend school.



Thailand's school system is in a crisis and needs to move into the 21st century because the curriculum is outdated and inadequate. Rural schools and students suffer from a lack of funding and resources. Marginalized groups have additional challenges in competing for teachers and supplies.


Every Face Tells a Story

Name: Saw Gay Nay Say

Country: Thailand | Age: 13 years old

I have 3 siblings and I am the second child. I’ve never seen my mother. My village is in constant danger due our civil war as a result, there is no place for studying. My dream is to get a high education so I can get a good job to and take care of my family.

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