Empowering Students, Enriching Lives.

Myanmar's Stats

  • Of the 55.1 million inhabitants, 64.9% live in rural areas
  • Official language: Burmese
  • Ethnic makeup: 148 ethnicities (68% of the local population are Bamar, 9% are Shan, and 7% are Karen)
  • Main religion: 87.9% Buddhist Theravada
  • GDP per capita is $1,149
Myanmar Myanmar

Everyone has the Right to Education

Since the February 2021 military coup in Myanmar, the junta has driven the country further into a human rights and humanitarian catastrophe. Because of these atrocities, education in Myanmar has become severely outdated. In the past, the government offered free education to everyone, now it is in shambles.

After the coup, the country was faced with a military dictatorship that implemented mandatory paid courses that taught military propaganda. This makes the school system extremely discriminatory and requires students to take fee-paying classes, making them inaccessible to the poorest young people. The approach to education in Myanmar is unethical.

cleenhearts cleenhearts


Myanmar Students Need Your Help.

Imagine your daughter, granddaughter or niece facing the unbelievable odds of living under a dictatorship. With the government's extreme control, you never know what the next day will bring. You don't know if you will face death, be able to eat, be kidnapped, or see your family and friends again. These students dream of having the same opportunity you have. They hope to become a doctor, teacher, or lawyer so they can help others and take care of their family.

They only difference is they need a quality education to help those dreams become reality. They need your help because everyone has the right to education. Become an education advocate today.



How Students Benefit From Your Sponsorship

  • Tuition and Fees (books, uniforms, field trips, graduation fees, lunch fees, miscellaneous fees, etc.)
  • Building Costs (utilities, furniture and other furnishings, security, maintenance and repairs, etc.)
  • Teachers and Administration Costs (Salaries, research and development, seminars for further education, etc.)
  • School Administration costs
  • Computer labs, Science labs, sports equipment, projects and events, Music, etc.)
  • Transportation (school bus, van, etc,)
  • Media, photography, video production
  • Family Counseling (seminars, books, materials, etc.)
  • Emergency Funds

why-choose-one why-choose-one

Our sponsorship programs help educate the most underprivileged by providing:

  • Education for children from primary school to post-high school.
  • Aptitude assessment and training for students beginning at 11 years old.
  • Provide post-primary students with high school entrance assistance.
  • Provide post-secondary students with college entrance assistance.
  • High school and college prep programs.
  • Vocational training for post-primary students with specific technical skill development.
  • Guidance into professional and vocational career tracks so they can become part of society.

Life-Changing Story

Myanmar student's life testimony

Names: Enoch, an orphan, and Yaw Na

We are going to study subjects such as music, Thai, and Chinese. We are thankful to Empower Education for their support, and how they are helping us further our education. We look forward to becoming successful adults.
  • Organizer
    Empower Education
  • School
    Measai Grace Foundation School
Against the Odds

Myanmar's Toughest Challenges

Myanmar faces significant challenges, including severe underfunding in education, with three times more spent on the military than on schools. Extreme poverty affects 76% of the population, leading to high child labor rates. Parents are reluctant to send children to school due to the high cost and military influence. Additionally, the country struggles with issues like child soldiers, human trafficking, and widespread corruption, exacerbated by ongoing conflict and oppression.

Lack of Education Budget
Myanmar Solider

Lack of Education Budget

  • 3X more money spent on military than on education.
  • Massive teacher shortage.
  • Education is expensive.

Child Soldiers
Myanmar Soldier

Child Soldiers

Tens of thousands of child soldiers, often orphans, are forcibly enrolled in the army or sold.

Child Labor
Child Labor

Child Labor

  • According to UNICEF, 1 in 4 children between the ages of 6-15 work.
  • Parents would rather their children earn money than attend military school and be filled with propaganda.
Extreme Poverty
Poverty Myanmar

Extreme Poverty

  • 76% of the population live below the poverty line.
  • Poverty rates doubled from 24.8% in 2017 to 49.7% in 2023 (United Nations).
  • For every 1,000 babies born, 40 die before their 5th birthday.

Myanmar Oppression


  • At least 4,416 people have been killed and 2.6 million people have been displaced since the coup.
  • At least 1,600 civilians were killed in 2023 alone, a 400% increase from 2022.

Human Trafficking and Prostitution
Myanmar Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking and Prostitution

  • One of the top 21 worst countries for prostitution and human trafficking.
  • Estimated 66,000 sex workers in the country.
Conflict and Corruption
Myanmar Corruption

Conflict and Corruption

  • At least 55 townships are under martial law.
Drugs and Alcohol
Myanmar Alcohol

Drugs and Alcohol

  • Overtakes Afghanistan as the world's largest producer of opium.
  • The proportion of opium consumption is 90%
Family Breakdown
Family Breakdown

Family Breakdown

94,000 refugees have fled to neighboring countries.

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