Empowering Students, Enriching Lives.

Pakistan's Stats

  • Over 245 million inhabitants, over half live in rural area
  • Their nationality is called Pakistani
  • Official language: Urdu
  • Main religion: 97% Muslim
  • Currency: Pakistan Rupee
Pakistan student Pakistan student
Pakistan student

Everyone has the Right to Education

Pakistan is home to over 245 million people, and many of them live in poverty. Political corruption has created an unstable government that has led to a system with inadequate funding of resources and is increasing the poverty rate all around. This has led to significant challenges in delivering quality education services to the entire population.

  • 26 million children in Pakistan, aged 5 to 16 years, are out of school, this is one of the highest percentages in the world.
  • The quality of education is often substandard: with outdated curriculum, poorly maintained or dilapidated infrastructures, and shortage of trained teachers.

These children are deemed invisible, so if something happens to them, it goes unnoticed. These children disappear between the cracks.

cleenhearts cleenhearts

"Just like education is a fundamental human right, so is being able to be receive a birth certificate."

  • According to telecommunications company Telenor Pakistan, 60 million Pakistani children don't have a registered birth certificate.
  • When a child is registered with the government, it is a permanent and official record of a child’s existence.
  • Having a birth certificate gives you access to routine vaccines, school registration, along with protection from underage marriage and child labor.
  • As an adult, it lets them open a bank account, register to vote, acquire a passport, and receive social assistance.


The information about Pakistan is daunting. Students need your help to break the poverty cycle, to avoid being trafficked or forced to become a child bride. They need a fighting chance and education is the key.

In Pakistan, Empower Education is providing educational opportunities for over 1,300 students. We are constructing our second school building, which will accommodate more than 700 students. Classes will begin in 2024 with the admission of 250 children, grades K-4/5.

Together, we can help Pakistani children reach their dreams of becoming doctors, lawyers, teachers, or maybe even prime minister. Children should be thinking of a brighter future, not where their next meal will come from, or how to escape being trafficked. This is an epidemic that can be stopped before it begins. Prevention is better than rescue.

Pakastani children have the right to be educated, but most lack the opportunity. Your sponsorship can provide that opportunity. Become an education advocate today.


why-choose-one why-choose-one

Our sponsorship programs help educate the most underprivileged by providing:

  • Education for children from primary school to post-high school.
  • Aptitude assessment and training for students beginning at 11 years old.
  • Provide post-primary students with high school entrance assistance.
  • Provide post-secondary students with college entrance assistance.
  • High school and college prep programs.
  • Vocational training for post-primary students with specific technical skill development.
  • Guidance into professional and vocational career tracks so they can become part of society.


How Students Benefit From Your Sponsorship

  • Tuition and Fees (books, uniforms, field trips, graduation fees, lunch fees, miscellaneous fees, etc.)
  • Building Costs (utilities, furniture and other furnishings, security, maintenance and repairs, etc.)
  • Teachers and Administration Costs (Salaries, research and development, seminars for further education, etc.)
  • School Administration costs
  • Computer labs, Science labs, sports equipment, projects and events, Music, etc.)
  • Transportation (school bus, van, etc,)
  • Media, photography, video production
  • Family Counseling (seminars, books, materials, etc.)
  • Emergency Funds

Rising Above Adversity

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Against the Odds

Pakistan's Toughest Challenges

Pakistan faces significant challenges, including Islamic extremism, poverty, and corruption. Uneducated children become vulnerable to joining groups that seem to offer hope, even if it fuels their minds with hurtful intentions. Economic instability has driven millions below the poverty line, while corruption and discrimination severely impact minority groups' access to education and employment opportunities. Moreover, issues like modern slavery, rural education deficits, and violence against women further exacerbate the country's struggles.

Islamic Extremism
Myanmar Solider

Islamic Extremism

  • After the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in August, Pakistan signaled that it was prepared to recognize the Taliban government.
  • According to the report of “Human Rights Observer 2023” the number of forced conversions increases 50% in 2020 and 80% in 2021. As a result, the girls in minority groups have restricted access to schools and education.



  • The World Bank reported that over 12.5 million Pakistanis have fallen below the poverty line, bringing the number of people living in poverty to 95 million.
  • The deepening economic crisis was marked by skyrocketing inflation which reached 29.66% in December 2023.
  • Pakistan's poverty rate has risen from 34.2% to 39.4% in just one year.

Corruption in Pakistan


  • Pakistan is widely considered a high-risk jurisdiction for several corrupt practices such as bribery, facilitation payments, and various types of extortion.
Poverty Myanmar


  • The Muslim proportion in the overall population of Pakistan is 96.28%. The religious minorities include Hindus, Christians and Sikhs.
  • These minorities face the problem of social inequality and injustice.
  • Similarly, 72% of parents reported that their children were discriminated against in educational institutions on account of their faith.

Myanmar Oppression


  • Compiled by Global Slavery, which counted 2.3 million slaves in the country, 1.13% of the entire Pakistani population.
  • In 2021 alone, more than 20,000 cases of bonded, forced and child labor were registered, with many more going unreported.

Education (Rural)
Myanmar Human Trafficking

Education (Rural)

  • Pakistan has the highest number of out-of-school children in the world, with 26.21 million (Pakistan Institute of Education report).
  • One-third of the women belonging to religious minorities attend schools as compared to two-thirds of women of the religious majority.
  • According to this survey conducted by the Punjab Commission on the Status of Women, women of minority groups lag by 28% as compared to the literacy rate of women belonging to the majority community in Pakistan.
Myanmar Corruption


  • Women and girls are subjected to honor killings, domestic violence, acid attacks, rapes, women trafficking, forced and child marriages, female genital mutilation and cutting.
  • Roughly 1,000 women are killed in so-called honor killings every year.
  • The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) estimates that 18.9 million girls in Pakistan are married before the age of 18 and 4.6 million before 15.
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